Retired teachers group adopts new name
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Milam Country Retired School Personnel Association Officers for 2016 are (from left) Frank Middleton, past president; Jamie Larson, president; Eldon Ball, parliamentarian; Bram Younts, first vice president; Kathleen Brockenbush, second vice president; Lue Wenzel, secretary; and Susan Larson, treasurer.
Effective July 1, the Milam County Retired Teachers Association (MCRTA) will be known as the Milam County Retired School Personnel Association MCRSPA).
After several months of discussions, members approved the name change. “Many local Units around the state have been changing their organization’s name to be sure that all school employees know that if they receive a pension from TRS they are welcomed in to our organization,” explained incoming President Jamie Larson. “Our parent organization, TRTA, represents bus drivers, secretaries, cafeteria workers, janitors, teachers, administrators and anyone that has worked in a public school setting and receives a TRS pension. We are the voice for all active and retired teachers pension and health care in the Texas legislature. We also are working with Congress to abolish the WEP/GPO. This will help our retirees receive fair Social Security benefits.”
TRTA Executive Director Tim Lee and legislative team made up of retired school personnel; work with legislators to provide funding and good management of retirees’ Defined Benefit pension and TRS-Care. TRTA members help by writing letters, sending emails, making phone calls and visiting face to face with legislators.
“Many of our members have close personal friendships with legislators,”” Larson noted. “Most of our legislators were taught by our members or may attend their church in their community.”
MCRSPA’s new officers met recently to plan the upcoming activities, which will begin in August. The first event will be Aug. 11, 11:30 a.m. at the Milano Senior Citizen Center. Members will enjoy lunch at the Center ($3).
Organizers also ask those attending to bring a covered dish or dessert to add something special for senior citizens. After lunch, members will assemble “beginning of the year” school supply baskets. The baskets will be presented to each of the Milam County school districts to be used as door prizes.
New officers for the coming year are Jamie Larson, president, Bram Younts, first vice president, Kathleen Brockenbush, second vice president; Lue Wenzel, secretary; Susan Larson, treasurer; and Eldon Ball, parliamentarian.
Milam’s unit is also proud to announce that Frank Middleton will be the TRTA District 6 president for the next two years. Susan Larson, who is a member of the TRTA State Health Care Committee, represents Milam County on the state level. Jamie Larson is president of TRTA’s Foundation Board of Trustees.
If you would like more information on MCRSPA’s activities you may contact Susan Larson, 512-455-9591 or email