Search for police chief continues

The search for a new police chief for Cameron continues.

Cameron City Manager Rhett Parker told city council members that interviews have been ongoing for the position during its meeting June 19. Parker said he hopes to make a recommendation for interviews with the council soon.

During the meeting council also heard from Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Agent Micah Holcombe about the Cameron PlayStreets program that is planned for later this summer.

Holcombe told council the program will run in conjunction with Feeders of the Lambs’ summer food program at Cameron Elementary’s playground. The program is set for July 20 and Aug. 1, 17 and 24 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

PlayStreets encourages neighborhood organizations and residents with play spaces to come together, be safe and get active. There will be bounce houses, potato sack races, hula hoops, bikes, football, soccer, bubbles and reading time, along with other outdoor activities and healthy snacks.

Holcombe said John Hopkins University is providing $6,000 to fund the program.

If you or your group would like to volunteer you can contact the Extension Office at (254) 697-7045.

Council also heard departmental reports during the meeting.