Yoe Band - Question & Answer

Before the band heads up to San Antonio on Tuesday, The Cameron Herald got a chance to sit down with six different musicians. Those members are Krystian Murray (Drum Major); Rebecca Kostroun (Clarinet); Olivia Duffy (Color Guard); Jeremy Glaser (Mellophone); Trevor Fincher (Baritone); Nikolas Keratsopoulos (Snare Drum).


These students explained how exciting it was to advance out of area and on to state, how much work has been put in to get to this point, why the band has once again rose to this level, and the expectations once the buses arrive at the Alamodome on Tuesday.


Talk about the feeling you had when you first heard the band was going back to state?

Murray: It was a really good feeling that everything you have been doing is paying off, but at the same time you know there are things to do.

Kostroun: It was one of the best feelings to know you were announced fist and the hard work had payed off.

Keratsopoulos: Percussion has worked for three months, so to get that first place award was great knowing that we worked trying to get everything to perfection.


For those that may not know, how much work has this band put in to get back to this level?

Glaser: I feel like it makes it that much more satisfactory when you know going all the way back to those summer days when it was about 105 degrees and being on that pavement getting yelled at in a positive way. I have no other way to describe it but amazing.

Fincher: Going back to summer band, we had 8 hours a day in the heat. In the morning we were on the field and then in the evenings we were working on music and getting it memorized. It has been a long process.


For those that have already been, talk about how it is to perform in the Alamodome and the nerves that may come into play?

Fincher: The giant open space of the Alamodome is breathtaking, so these younger students will have to ease their nerves and we will help them and say it's just another performance.

Glaser: I feel that nerves are always there. After that performance we did in Midway, the confidence level is now way up there, especially after that second performance. It's up to them to step up and we will pep talk them as much as we can. It's a team thing and we cannot control them. We have to give them advice and go from there.


What is this band going to do in just a little over week to get ready for state?

Murray: It's a lot of fine tuning. Everyone has to be super dedicated and focused. We are well-prepared.

Keratsopoulos: There will probably be a lot of upperclassmen stepping up helping the underclassmen fix the little things they might notice. I think we have a great shot if we keep working as we have the past three months. We will probably work even harder now that we have this goal that is right in front of us.


How exciting it will be to have this opportunity to compete for a state championship?

Duffy: It's good to know you still have a chance to prove you're one of the best. Everyone is excited and everyone is ready to perform.

Fincher: At area those were some of our best performances and we are just getting better. We are ready to take on this performance.


Talk about the impact that Mr. George has on this program?

Murray: We all respect and look up to Mr. George. We are grateful at how he has prepared us and the opportunities he has set up for us.

Kostroun: He says it's your work ethic that is going to take you to the top. Without him, we wouldn't be near as good as we are. He pushes us and our craft has become so much better. I believe he is the most respected person in this town for what he has done.

Duffy: He sets a good example because he proves that hard work can get you to good places.  

Glaser: It makes a huge difference having Mr. George back and rebuilding us from where we were a few years ago. It's fantastic the support that we get from the community, band boosters, and we have to whole city behind our backs.
