Community invited to read along with CISD students

The Cameron community is invited to read along with CISD students this fall as they begin reading “Charlotte’s Web.”

The Community Reading Event will kick off in October and target Pre-K through fifth graders. Every student in CISD will be reading the book at the same time.

“We invite all of Yoe Nation to read with us,” CISD Superintendent Allan Sapp said. “This is a great book and it is a perfect time for families to read at home.”

All students will receive a copy of the book to bring home. The community is invited to stop by at purchase a copy of the book at cost for $4.50 to read along with the students. Contact Tanya Hoelscher at CISD Administration at (254) 697-3512 to get a book.

The reading event will last four weeks from Oct. 1-26 and students will have activities centered around the book in class.

CISD invites the community to talk to students about the book when you see them and help to make them better readers.