Kiesling named Miss Thorndale 2018
The 28th Annual Thorndale Volunteer Fire Department BBQ Cook-off and Thorndale Revue was held on June 22-24.
Ashton Kiesling was crowned Miss Thorndale. Lauren Newton was named runner up. Other winners were: Junior Miss Thorndale was Natalie Newton; Junior Miss was Ella Hillman; Little Miss was Kacie Newton; Tiny Miss was Madelynn Beecham and runner up was Ari Kornokovich; Miss Toddler was Lillie Beardsley and runner up was Teagan Morton.
Results of the BBQ Cook-off were:
Chicken: first place, Hawg Knuckle, Thomas Ramirez, Thorndale; second place, Pit Divided #2, Kory Scruggs, Thrall; third place, Smokin’ Pigs, Jason Ramirez, Thorndale; fourth place, Patin Construction #1, Brian Fisher, Thorndale; fifth place, Bad Boyz BBQ, Sean Leschber, Taylor; sixth place, Czexican BBQ, Terry Skrhak Taylor; seventh place, Pit Divided #1, Kory Scruggs, Thrall; eighth place, Flop-N-Sop, Carter Travis, Thorndale; ninth place, Swamp Donkeys, Dustin Clawson, Thorndale; 10th place, Burnin’ Ring of Fire, Jason Hefner, Hutto.
Pork Ribs: first place, Bad Boyz BBQ, Sean Leschber, Taylor; second place, Bucky Boys BBQ, Billy Dodson, Milano; third place, Czexican BBQ, Terry Skrhak, Taylor; fourth place, Here For the Beer, Ross Towery, Cameron; fifth place, Smoke That, Thomas Wilson, Taylor; sixth place, Patin Construction #3, Brian Fisher, Thorndale; seventh place, Patin Construction #1, Brian Fisher, Thorndale; eighth place, Patin Construction #2, Brian Fisher, Thorndale; ninth place, On Point BBQ, Randy Moran, Hewitt; 10th place, Michna Tribe, Ronnie Michna, Taylor.
Beef Brisket: first place, Love Peace BBQ, Cassie Leschber, Taylor; second place, Pit Divided #2, Kory Scruggs, Thrall; third place, Czexican BBQ, Terry Skrhak, Taylor; fourth place, Smoke This, Bubba Cepak, Taylor; fifth place, Patin Construction #3, Brian Fisher, Thorndale; sixth place, Just A Krusen’, Floyd Kruse, Rockdale; seventh place, Patin Construction #1, Brian Fisher, Thorndale; eighth place, Bucky Boys BBQ, Billy Dodson, Milano; ninth place, Double A Cookers and a “B”, Russell Niemtschk, Thorndale; 10th place, Michna Squaws, Randy Michna, Taylor.
Jackpot – Cook’s Choice: first place, Love Peace BBQ, Cassie Leschber, Taylor – Steak; second place, Patin Construction #1, Brian Fisher, Thorndale – Shrimp; third place, Biar Farms, Gavin Bier, Thorndale - Stuffed Peppers; fourth place, Stokin’ It Up, James Stokes, Taylor – Steak; fifth place, Bad Boyz BBQ, Sean Leschber – Steak; sixth place, Kill It & Grill It, Chris Gerran, Rockdale, - Shrimp Poppers; seventh place, Family First Fencing, Kylar Kovar - Axis Balls; eighth place, Here For the Beer, Ross Towery, Cameron – Chicken Bombs; ninth place, 76 Cattle, Craig Jordan, Thorndale – Bacon Wrapped Shrimp; 10th place, 76 Cattle, Seth Jordan, Thorndale – Bacon Wrapped Chicken.
Jackpot – Pinto Beans: first place, Boozin’ Bohemians, Justin Knapek, Taylor; second place, Patin Constructin #1, Brian Fisher, Thorndale; third place, Czexican BBQ, Terry Skrhak, Taylor; fourth place, 76 Cattle, Craig Jordan, Thorndale; fifth place, Bucky Boys BBQ, Billy Dodson, Milano; sixth place, Smoke This, Bubba Cepak, Taylor; seventh place, Patin Construction #3, Brian Fisher, Thorndale; eighth place, Stokin’It Up, James Stokes, Taylor; ninth place, Big Blue BBQ, Jake Praeger, Belton; 10th place, Pit Divided, Kory Scruggs, Thrall.
Overall: first place, Czexican BBQ, Terry Skrhak, Taylor; second place, Pit Divided 2, Kory Scruggs, Thrall; third place, Bad Boyz BBQ, Sean Leschber, Taylor.
“42” Domino Tournament: first place, Kyle Kasper and Glen Albrecht, Giddings; second place, Dana Preuss, Thorndale and Jimmie Preuss, Taylor; third place, Lois Fisher and Lu Jean Quinney, Rockdale.
Horseshoe Tournament: first place, Thomas and Nick Montelongo, Rockdale; second place, Pablo Arroyo, Grainger and Valentine Canales, Rockdale; third place, Ines Arroyo, Rockdale, and John Canales, Taylor.
Washer Tournament: first place, Taylor Jordan, Thorndale and Koy Quinney, Rockdale; second place, Riley Schaefer, Thorndale and Dylan Drgac, Caldwell; third place, Cody Ross and Eddie Villarreal, Dripping Springs.
Softball Tournament: first place, Chaos, Dripping Springs; second place, Apache Pass, Thorndale; third place, Money Shot, Georgetown; fourth place, Shockers, Taylor.
The awards were announced by President Douglas Walser and presented by Miss Thorndale, Ashton Kiesling and Finalist, Lauren Newton.
There were a total of 76 BBQ cooking teams.
Friday night, TUB, Texas Unlimited Band opened for Kevin Fowler.
Saturday nights dance Snake River Red opened for Josh Ward. There was a wonderful fireworks display on Friday night.
The Thorndale Ladies Firemen Auxiliary wish to thank everyone who purchased turkey and dressing plates at the cook off and also thanks to those who purchased their baked items auctioned off before the awards.
A special thanks to all the cook-off sponsors: Patin Construction, Gatti’s Pizza, Mike and Ann Glenn, Action Overhead Door, Floyd’s Glass Co, Peny and Perry Builders, Rockdale, Nyle Maxwell, Rockdale Country Ford, Win Supply-San Antonio, Taylor Rodeo Association, Rockdale Signs, M&G Designs.
The VFD would like to say thanks to the community and surrounding towns for their great support to the 28th Annual Thorndale Fireman’s BBQ Cook off.