The City of Cameron will host a citywide cleanup on April 8 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Residents can bring their water bill to any drop off site for disposal free of charge.
Regular trash items must be separate from brush and limbs. You will be turned away if your brush and limbs are not separate.
Disposal collection will be at the City Yard, 701 E. Main Street and the lot behind the sewer plant or brush and limbs only.
Items that will be accepted are: unbundled brush, furniture, yard waste, appliances that don’t contain Freon. Please make sure items are separated by categories above to make disposal faster.
Items that will not be accepted are: paints and thinners, anti-freeze, pesticides, herbicides, gasoline, other automotive products, used motor oil and oil filters, no items containing Freon, and tires.
For more information, contact Cameron City Hall at (254) 697-6646.